

FRNM works with The Winnipeg Foundation who hold our endowment funds.

To ensure funding for nursing education is protected and supported in perpetuity, the Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba (FRNM) has entered into an agreement with The Winnipeg Foundation which will see FRNM’s work will go on and remain sustainable on a permanent basis. The FRNM retains all decision-making regarding the awarding of funds, while The Winnipeg Foundation invests and safeguards our endowments funds as part of the multi-million dollars of funds under their stewardship.

Secure Donations Can Now be Made Online through The Winnipeg Foundation

Make a secure tax deductible donation through the Winnipeg Foundation by clicking on the link below to support either:

Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba Scholarship Fund

Ongoing operation of the FRNM

Dennis D. Norbury Award

Kay De Jong Award

MGNA Award

Celebrate a Nurse (In Honour)
Recognize the contribution a registered nurse (RN) made to your life through a charitable donation to FRNM. Honour a nurse who has been a mentor, friend or confident. We’ll send a Celebrate a Nurse note to your honoured RN advising them of your appreciation for the valuable role they have played in your life and career. You’ll receive a charitable receipt for your donation and each of you will share in the knowledge you are supporting continuing nursing education in Manitoba.  If you would like to set up a special named award to honour a nurse, a minimum $10,000 donation is required to establish an award.  Please contact if you would like to discuss this further.

In Memoriam
Making a donation to FRNM is a personal way to honour the memory of a loved one. This meaningful gesture will keep the spirit of a lost loved one alive, while helping nurses in their endeavor to care for all Manitobans. FRNM will send a memorial tribute to the family to advise them of your gift.

Monthly Giving
The monthly giving program is an easy way for you to make an automatic donation to FRNM. Your monthly donation will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account or credit card in support of continuing nursing education. A charitable tax receipt for the total annual donation will be issued to you in January for income tax purposes.

Planned Giving
Planned gifts can be a “current gift” available for the Trust to use now, or a “deferred gift” available in the future through your estate. Properly planned, such gifts can allow individuals to maximize tax and estate planning benefits. Donation options include: Life insurance, Gift Annuities, Will bequests and RRSPs.

Gift the Gift of Securities
Securities, which include shares of publicly traded companies, bonds and mutual funds are another method of making a gift to the Trust. You would receive a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities gifted.

Create your Own Fundraiser / Event
Organizing or participating in a special event fundraiser is a fun way to support excellence in nursing education and Manitoba registered nurses. Our experienced volunteers will be happy to help you make your idea a reality! It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Some FUN raisers can be golf tournaments, A-Thons or dinner parties! We are here to help you make your fundraiser for Manitoba RNs a success!

Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba Inc., 2014

c/o ARNM, PO Box 73027, RPO Bridgwater, Winnipeg MB R3Y 2A9