The Preceptor Excellence Award was developed in 2009 to recognize the outstanding contributions that registered nurses make as mentors to students. As preceptors, we create culture and norms for novice nurses; they learn from us how to treat our colleagues and our patients with compassion and care. A supportive environment that allows the student to develop their practical and critical thinking skills is essential for learners. Excellent preceptors encourage students to ‘be the change they want see in the world’ (Gandhi). They challenge their learners to grow, while recognizing they might not always know the answers — but can help support students to find them!
If you have been inspired by your preceptor and you are completing your senior practicum, consider nominating your preceptor for this award. The deadline each year for application is May 1st; we accept nominations year round and the awards are given annually.
The application is completed by the senior practicum student. Two appraisal forms must also be completed. One by the student and a second from an RN from the unit. Send all of the documentation to the address, below. We will also accept email submissions to Ensure all of the documentation is submitted together for the nomination to be considered.
Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba Inc.
c/o ARNM, PO Box 73027, RPO Bridgwater, Winnipeg MB R3Y 2A9